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156.285 USD
0.000 ( 0.00 % )
Updated: 27 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:58

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1.94 %
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-8.49 %
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-17.89 %

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Boeing Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 291.49 and leverage: 1.04 with ISIN code: CH1101800600 Mini Future Short 291.49 156.285 306.976 1.04 12.68 0.010 12.69 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 273.47 and leverage: 1.19 with ISIN code: CH1101798242 Mini Future Short 273.47 156.285 287.994 1.19 11.09 0.010 11.1 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 251.21 and leverage: 1.45 with ISIN code: CH1326190431 Mini Future Short 251.21 156.285 264.557 1.45 9.11 0.020 9.13 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 241.16 and leverage: 1.60 with ISIN code: CH1326190423 Mini Future Short 241.16 156.285 253.971 1.60 8.22 0.020 8.24 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 236.13 and leverage: 1.69 with ISIN code: CH1326190415 Mini Future Short 236.13 156.285 248.682 1.69 7.78 0.020 7.8 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 231.12 and leverage: 1.80 with ISIN code: CH1326188260 Mini Future Short 231.12 156.285 243.397 1.80 7.33 0.020 7.35 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 226.09 and leverage: 1.91 with ISIN code: CH1326190407 Mini Future Short 226.09 156.285 238.1 1.91 6.89 0.020 6.91 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 221.14 and leverage: 2.04 with ISIN code: CH1315322961 Mini Future Short 221.14 156.285 232.891 2.04 6.45 0.020 6.47 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 216.04 and leverage: 2.19 with ISIN code: CH1326188252 Mini Future Short 216.04 156.285 227.521 2.19 6 0.020 6.02 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 210.92 and leverage: 2.37 with ISIN code: CH1330023347 Mini Future Short 210.92 156.285 222.13 2.37 5.55 0.020 5.57 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 205.84 and leverage: 2.58 with ISIN code: CH1330035689 Mini Future Short 205.84 156.285 216.78 2.58 5.1 0.020 5.12 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 200.79 and leverage: 2.83 with ISIN code: CH1330044053 Mini Future Short 200.79 156.285 211.46 2.83 4.65 0.020 4.67 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 195.06 and leverage: 3.19 with ISIN code: CH1375885691 Mini Future Short 195.06 156.285 205.422 3.19 4.14 0.020 4.16 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 190.12 and leverage: 3.56 with ISIN code: CH1369918524 Mini Future Short 190.12 156.285 200.224 3.56 3.7 0.020 3.72 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 185.12 and leverage: 4.05 with ISIN code: CH1369918516 Mini Future Short 185.12 156.285 194.954 4.05 3.26 0.020 3.28 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 180 and leverage: 4.70 with ISIN code: CH1377899195 Mini Future Short 180 156.285 189.556 4.70 2.81 0.020 2.83 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 170 and leverage: 6.89 with ISIN code: CH1377903591 Mini Future Short 170 156.285 178.988 6.89 1.92 0.020 1.94 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 165 and leverage: 8.96 with ISIN code: CH1377906792 Mini Future Short 165 156.285 173.699 8.96 1.48 0.020 1.5 10
Boeing Mini Future Short With stop loss: 160 and leverage: 12.94 with ISIN code: CH1377909010 Mini Future Short 160 156.285 168.424 12.94 1.03 0.020 1.05 10
Boeing Constant Leverage Short With stop loss: ― and leverage: 6.00 with ISIN code: CH1345999317 Constant Leverage Short 156.285 6.00 4.36 0.060 4.42 1
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