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Updated: 7 Mar. 2025 @ 21:59:19

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WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 109.272 and leverage: 1.58 with ISIN code: CH1166122304 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 109.272 66.99 109.272 1.58 37.44 0.010 37.45 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 107.535 and leverage: 1.65 with ISIN code: CH1166122296 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 107.535 66.99 107.535 1.65 35.91 0.010 35.92 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 103.76 and leverage: 1.68 with ISIN code: CH1166121231 Mini Future Short 103.76 66.99 106.88 1.68 35.15 0.010 35.16 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 105.797 and leverage: 1.73 with ISIN code: CH1166122288 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 105.797 66.99 105.797 1.73 34.38 0.010 34.39 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 102.07 and leverage: 1.75 with ISIN code: CH1166121223 Mini Future Short 102.07 66.99 105.138 1.75 33.62 0.010 33.63 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 104.059 and leverage: 1.80 with ISIN code: CH1166122270 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 104.059 66.99 104.059 1.80 32.85 0.010 32.86 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 100.38 and leverage: 1.84 with ISIN code: CH1166121215 Mini Future Short 100.38 66.99 103.399 1.84 32.08 0.010 32.09 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 102.321 and leverage: 1.89 with ISIN code: CH1166122262 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 102.321 66.99 102.321 1.89 31.32 0.010 31.33 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 98.01 and leverage: 1.95 with ISIN code: CH1158944335 Mini Future Short 98.01 66.99 102.005 1.95 3.06 0.010 3.07 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 98.7 and leverage: 1.93 with ISIN code: CH1166121207 Mini Future Short 98.7 66.99 101.668 1.93 30.56 0.010 30.57 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 97.01 and leverage: 2.03 with ISIN code: CH1166121199 Mini Future Short 97.01 66.99 99.927 2.03 29.03 0.010 29.04 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 98.846 and leverage: 2.10 with ISIN code: CH1166122254 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 98.846 66.99 98.846 2.10 28.26 0.010 28.27 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 95.32 and leverage: 2.15 with ISIN code: CH1166121181 Mini Future Short 95.32 66.99 98.189 2.15 27.5 0.010 27.51 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 93.64 and leverage: 2.27 with ISIN code: CH1166121173 Mini Future Short 93.64 66.99 96.451 2.27 25.97 0.010 25.98 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 96.012 and leverage: 2.35 with ISIN code: CH1158944061 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 96.012 66.99 96.012 2.35 2.55 0.010 2.56 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 95.37 and leverage: 2.36 with ISIN code: CH1166122247 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 95.37 66.99 95.37 2.36 25.2 0.010 25.21 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 91.94 and leverage: 2.42 with ISIN code: CH1196161868 Mini Future Short 91.94 66.99 94.705 2.42 24.43 0.010 24.44 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 93.618 and leverage: 2.51 with ISIN code: CH1166116579 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 93.618 66.99 93.618 2.51 23.66 0.010 23.67 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 90.23 and leverage: 2.58 with ISIN code: CH1196161850 Mini Future Short 90.23 66.99 92.942 2.58 22.88 0.010 22.89 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 88.39 and leverage: 2.74 with ISIN code: CH1332895973 Mini Future Short 88.39 66.99 91.992 2.74 2.16 0.010 2.17 10
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