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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:54

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NASDAQ 100 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,350 and leverage: 17.61 with ISIN code: CH1377908848 Mini Future Long 19,350 20,129.6 18,979.589 17.61 9.663 0.010 9.673 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,350 and leverage: 18.86 with ISIN code: CH1375889149 Mini Future Long 19,350 20,129.6 18,979.589 18.86 1.81 0.010 1.82 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,300 and leverage: 18.05 with ISIN code: CH1375889156 Mini Future Long 19,300 20,129.6 18,930.545 18.05 1.89 0.010 1.9 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,300 and leverage: 16.88 with ISIN code: CH1377908830 Mini Future Long 19,300 20,129.6 18,930.545 16.88 10.077 0.010 10.087 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,250 and leverage: 17.23 with ISIN code: CH1375889164 Mini Future Long 19,250 20,129.6 18,881.501 17.23 1.98 0.010 1.99 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,250 and leverage: 16.21 with ISIN code: CH1377908822 Mini Future Long 19,250 20,129.6 18,881.501 16.21 10.492 0.010 10.502 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,200 and leverage: 17.05 with ISIN code: CH1375888588 Mini Future Long 19,200 20,129.6 18,868.304 17.05 2 0.010 2.01 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,200 and leverage: 15.60 with ISIN code: CH1377908814 Mini Future Long 19,200 20,129.6 18,832.457 15.60 10.906 0.010 10.916 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,150 and leverage: 15.03 with ISIN code: CH1377908806 Mini Future Long 19,150 20,129.6 18,783.413 15.03 11.321 0.010 11.331 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,100 and leverage: 15.71 with ISIN code: CH1375888596 Mini Future Long 19,100 20,129.6 18,770.017 15.71 2.17 0.010 2.18 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,100 and leverage: 14.88 with ISIN code: CH1377905042 Mini Future Long 19,100 20,129.6 18,770.017 14.88 11.436 0.010 11.446 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,050 and leverage: 14.35 with ISIN code: CH1377905034 Mini Future Long 19,050 20,129.6 18,720.874 14.35 11.851 0.010 11.861 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,000 and leverage: 14.69 with ISIN code: CH1373403364 Mini Future Long 19,000 20,129.6 18,676.317 14.69 2.32 0.010 2.33 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,000 and leverage: 13.91 with ISIN code: CH1377904342 Mini Future Long 19,000 20,129.6 18,676.317 13.91 12.228 0.010 12.238 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,950 and leverage: 13.41 with ISIN code: CH1377905026 Mini Future Long 18,950 20,129.6 18,622.588 13.41 12.682 0.010 12.692 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,950 and leverage: 14.08 with ISIN code: CH1375888752 Mini Future Long 18,950 20,129.6 18,617.714 14.08 2.42 0.010 2.43 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,900 and leverage: 13.63 with ISIN code: CH1375888604 Mini Future Long 18,900 20,129.6 18,573.444 13.63 2.5 0.010 2.51 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,900 and leverage: 13.03 with ISIN code: CH1377904334 Mini Future Long 18,900 20,129.6 18,578.005 13.03 13.058 0.010 13.068 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,850 and leverage: 12.59 with ISIN code: CH1377905018 Mini Future Long 18,850 20,129.6 18,524.301 12.59 13.512 0.010 13.522 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,850 and leverage: 13.15 with ISIN code: CH1375888760 Mini Future Long 18,850 20,129.6 18,519.453 13.15 2.59 0.010 2.6 500
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