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5,751.070 USD
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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:51

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S&P 500 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,800 and leverage: 11.97 with ISIN code: CH1377911081 Warrant Call 5,800 5,751.07 5,800 11.97 2.266 0.010 2.276 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,800 and leverage: 9.21 with ISIN code: CH1352647981 Warrant Call 5,800 5,751.07 5,800 9.21 3.051 0.010 3.061 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,800 and leverage: 17.78 with ISIN code: CH1377911073 Warrant Call 5,800 5,751.07 5,800 17.78 1.385 0.010 1.395 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,800 and leverage: 7.66 with ISIN code: CH1352648021 Warrant Call 5,800 5,751.07 5,800 7.66 3.737 0.010 3.747 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,700 and leverage: 10.60 with ISIN code: CH1366459142 Warrant Call 5,700 5,751.07 5,700 10.60 2.834 0.010 2.844 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,700 and leverage: 8.32 with ISIN code: CH1355253449 Warrant Call 5,700 5,751.07 5,700 8.32 3.615 0.010 3.625 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,700 and leverage: 6.24 with ISIN code: CH1355253464 Warrant Call 5,700 5,751.07 5,700 6.24 4.897 0.010 4.907 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,700 and leverage: 7.11 with ISIN code: CH1355253456 Warrant Call 5,700 5,751.07 5,700 7.11 4.297 0.010 4.307 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 7.72 with ISIN code: CH1352647999 Warrant Call 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 7.72 4.212 0.010 4.222 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 5.86 with ISIN code: CH1352648070 Warrant Call 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 5.86 5.47 0.010 5.48 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 13.11 with ISIN code: CH1362345949 Warrant Call 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 13.11 2.549 0.010 2.559 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 9.57 with ISIN code: CH1362345964 Warrant Call 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 9.57 3.445 0.010 3.455 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 6.56 with ISIN code: CH1352648039 Warrant Call 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 6.56 4.884 0.010 4.894 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 7.02 with ISIN code: CH1352648005 Warrant Call 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 7.02 4.837 0.010 4.847 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 8.54 with ISIN code: CH1362345972 Warrant Call 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 8.54 4.092 0.010 4.102 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 6.10 with ISIN code: CH1352648047 Warrant Call 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 6.10 5.493 0.010 5.503 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 5.53 with ISIN code: CH1352648088 Warrant Call 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 5.53 6.063 0.010 6.073 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 11.26 with ISIN code: CH1352647957 Warrant Call 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 11.26 3.228 0.010 3.238 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,400 and leverage: 5.71 with ISIN code: CH1352648054 Warrant Call 5,400 5,751.07 5,400 5.71 6.122 0.010 6.132 100
S&P 500 Warrant Call With stop loss: 5,400 and leverage: 6.46 with ISIN code: CH1352648013 Warrant Call 5,400 5,751.07 5,400 6.46 5.485 0.010 5.495 100
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