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5,751.070 USD
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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:51

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S&P 500 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 9.30 with ISIN code: CH1352648153 Warrant Put 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 9.30 1.767 0.010 1.777 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 6.69 with ISIN code: CH1352648237 Warrant Put 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 6.69 2.46 0.010 2.47 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 17.57 with ISIN code: CH1362346053 Warrant Put 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 17.57 0.848 0.010 0.858 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,600 and leverage: 11.98 with ISIN code: CH1362346079 Warrant Put 5,600 5,751.07 5,600 11.98 1.33 0.010 1.34 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 17.59 with ISIN code: CH1352648120 Warrant Put 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 17.59 0.681 0.010 0.691 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 9.22 with ISIN code: CH1352648146 Warrant Put 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 9.22 1.572 0.010 1.582 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 6.89 with ISIN code: CH1352648229 Warrant Put 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 6.89 2.248 0.010 2.258 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 11.75 with ISIN code: CH1362346061 Warrant Put 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 11.75 1.149 0.010 1.159 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,500 and leverage: 7.72 with ISIN code: CH1352648187 Warrant Put 5,500 5,751.07 5,500 7.72 1.942 0.010 1.952 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,400 and leverage: 9.31 with ISIN code: CH1352648138 Warrant Put 5,400 5,751.07 5,400 9.31 1.4 0.010 1.41 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,400 and leverage: 6.83 with ISIN code: CH1352648211 Warrant Put 5,400 5,751.07 5,400 6.83 2.055 0.010 2.065 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,400 and leverage: 7.98 with ISIN code: CH1352648179 Warrant Put 5,400 5,751.07 5,400 7.98 1.758 0.010 1.768 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,400 and leverage: 17.34 with ISIN code: CH1355259750 Warrant Put 5,400 5,751.07 5,400 17.34 0.551 0.010 0.561 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,400 and leverage: 11.59 with ISIN code: CH1355259768 Warrant Put 5,400 5,751.07 5,400 11.59 0.997 0.010 1.007 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,300 and leverage: 17.97 with ISIN code: CH1355253480 Warrant Put 5,300 5,751.07 5,300 17.97 0.45 0.010 0.46 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,300 and leverage: 9.19 with ISIN code: CH1315336961 Warrant Put 5,300 5,751.07 5,300 9.19 1.26 0.010 1.27 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,300 and leverage: 7.74 with ISIN code: CH1315337027 Warrant Put 5,300 5,751.07 5,300 7.74 1.623 0.010 1.633 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,300 and leverage: 11.37 with ISIN code: CH1315336904 Warrant Put 5,300 5,751.07 5,300 11.37 0.888 0.010 0.898 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,300 and leverage: 6.83 with ISIN code: CH1315337084 Warrant Put 5,300 5,751.07 5,300 6.83 1.913 0.010 1.923 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,200 and leverage: 11.77 with ISIN code: CH1315336896 Warrant Put 5,200 5,751.07 5,200 11.77 0.775 0.010 0.785 100
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