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5,751.070 USD
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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:51

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S&P 500 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,200 and leverage: 17.96 with ISIN code: CH1355253472 Warrant Put 5,200 5,751.07 5,200 17.96 0.369 0.010 0.379 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,200 and leverage: 7.88 with ISIN code: CH1315337019 Warrant Put 5,200 5,751.07 5,200 7.88 1.471 0.010 1.481 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,200 and leverage: 9.44 with ISIN code: CH1315336953 Warrant Put 5,200 5,751.07 5,200 9.44 1.123 0.010 1.133 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,200 and leverage: 6.91 with ISIN code: CH1315337076 Warrant Put 5,200 5,751.07 5,200 6.91 1.749 0.010 1.759 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,100 and leverage: 11.23 with ISIN code: CH1315336888 Warrant Put 5,100 5,751.07 5,100 11.23 0.683 0.010 0.693 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,100 and leverage: 7.96 with ISIN code: CH1315337001 Warrant Put 5,100 5,751.07 5,100 7.96 1.334 0.010 1.344 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,100 and leverage: 9.56 with ISIN code: CH1315336946 Warrant Put 5,100 5,751.07 5,100 9.56 1.007 0.010 1.017 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,100 and leverage: 6.95 with ISIN code: CH1315337068 Warrant Put 5,100 5,751.07 5,100 6.95 1.599 0.010 1.609 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,000 and leverage: 11.12 with ISIN code: CH1315336870 Warrant Put 5,000 5,751.07 5,000 11.12 0.602 0.010 0.612 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,000 and leverage: 9.60 with ISIN code: CH1315336938 Warrant Put 5,000 5,751.07 5,000 9.60 0.902 0.010 0.912 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,000 and leverage: 6.94 with ISIN code: CH1315337050 Warrant Put 5,000 5,751.07 5,000 6.94 1.461 0.010 1.471 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 5,000 and leverage: 7.98 with ISIN code: CH1315336995 Warrant Put 5,000 5,751.07 5,000 7.98 1.209 0.010 1.219 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,900 and leverage: 16.70 with ISIN code: CH1306080917 Warrant Put 4,900 5,751.07 4,900 16.70 0.223 0.010 0.233 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,900 and leverage: 7.24 with ISIN code: CH1315337043 Warrant Put 4,900 5,751.07 4,900 7.24 1.334 0.010 1.344 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,900 and leverage: 11.66 with ISIN code: CH1315336862 Warrant Put 4,900 5,751.07 4,900 11.66 0.532 0.010 0.542 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,900 and leverage: 9.50 with ISIN code: CH1315336920 Warrant Put 4,900 5,751.07 4,900 9.50 0.809 0.010 0.819 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,900 and leverage: 7.91 with ISIN code: CH1315336987 Warrant Put 4,900 5,751.07 4,900 7.91 1.097 0.010 1.107 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,800 and leverage: 8.14 with ISIN code: CH1315336979 Warrant Put 4,800 5,751.07 4,800 8.14 0.946 0.010 0.956 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,800 and leverage: 14.59 with ISIN code: CH1275992571 Warrant Put 4,800 5,751.07 4,800 14.59 0.19 0.010 0.2 100
S&P 500 Warrant Put With stop loss: 4,800 and leverage: 7.13 with ISIN code: CH1315337035 Warrant Put 4,800 5,751.07 4,800 7.13 1.218 0.010 1.228 100
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