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5,751.070 USD
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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:51

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S&P 500 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,310 and leverage: 3.81 with ISIN code: CH1253925452 Mini Future Long 4,310 5,751.07 4,240.761 3.81 12.788 0.010 12.798 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,280 and leverage: 3.73 with ISIN code: CH1285474990 Mini Future Long 4,280 5,751.07 4,209.119 3.73 13.043 0.010 13.053 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,280 and leverage: 3.73 with ISIN code: CH1227925422 Mini Future Long 4,280 5,751.07 4,209.648 3.73 13.05 0.010 13.06 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,280 and leverage: 3.75 with ISIN code: CH1253925445 Mini Future Long 4,280 5,751.07 4,218.122 3.75 12.979 0.010 12.989 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,250 and leverage: 3.69 with ISIN code: CH1237349340 Mini Future Long 4,250 5,751.07 4,185.992 3.69 13.15 0.050 13.2 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,240 and leverage: 3.64 with ISIN code: CH1220855782 Mini Future Long 4,240 5,751.07 4,173.481 3.64 13.356 0.010 13.366 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,220 and leverage: 3.59 with ISIN code: CH1220855774 Mini Future Long 4,220 5,751.07 4,150.071 3.59 13.554 0.010 13.564 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,200 and leverage: 3.55 with ISIN code: CH1220849041 Mini Future Long 4,200 5,751.07 4,131.312 3.55 13.712 0.010 13.722 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,170 and leverage: 3.50 with ISIN code: CH1220849033 Mini Future Long 4,170 5,751.07 4,107.87 3.50 13.91 0.010 13.92 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,150 and leverage: 3.45 with ISIN code: CH1220849025 Mini Future Long 4,150 5,751.07 4,084.432 3.45 14.108 0.010 14.118 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,140 and leverage: 3.45 with ISIN code: CH1205140325 Mini Future Long 4,140 5,751.07 4,077.802 3.45 14.05 0.050 14.1 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,130 and leverage: 3.41 with ISIN code: CH1220847037 Mini Future Long 4,130 5,751.07 4,062.606 3.41 14.293 0.010 14.303 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,100 and leverage: 3.36 with ISIN code: CH1220847029 Mini Future Long 4,100 5,751.07 4,039.156 3.36 14.491 0.010 14.501 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,080 and leverage: 3.31 with ISIN code: CH1220847011 Mini Future Long 4,080 5,751.07 4,015.706 3.31 14.689 0.010 14.699 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,060 and leverage: 3.27 with ISIN code: CH1220847003 Mini Future Long 4,060 5,751.07 3,992.258 3.27 14.887 0.010 14.897 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,030 and leverage: 3.23 with ISIN code: CH1220846997 Mini Future Long 4,030 5,751.07 3,968.808 3.23 15.085 0.010 15.095 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,010 and leverage: 3.19 with ISIN code: CH0572888839 Mini Future Long 4,010 5,751.07 3,945.971 3.19 15.249 0.010 15.259 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 4,000 and leverage: 3.17 with ISIN code: CH0572878665 Mini Future Long 4,000 5,751.07 3,932.758 3.17 15.3 0.050 15.35 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 3,980 and leverage: 3.13 with ISIN code: CH0572887062 Mini Future Long 3,980 5,751.07 3,913 3.13 15.528 0.010 15.538 100
S&P 500 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 3,940 and leverage: 3.08 with ISIN code: CH0566520372 Mini Future Long 3,940 5,751.07 3,879.756 3.08 15.809 0.010 15.819 100
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