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Updated: 27 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:50

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NASDAQ 100 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 20,853.399 and leverage: 25.14 with ISIN code: CH1332905095 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 20,853.399 20,005.9 20,853.399 25.14 1.38 0.010 1.39 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,600 and leverage: 25.20 with ISIN code: CH1377911487 Mini Future Long 19,600 20,005.9 19,215.686 25.20 6.677 0.010 6.687 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,650 and leverage: 25.22 with ISIN code: CH1375889586 Mini Future Long 19,650 20,005.9 19,264.706 25.22 1.34 0.010 1.35 500
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (closed-end) Put With stop loss: 20,800 and leverage: 25.29 with ISIN code: CH1359212235 Knock-Out Warrant (closed-end) Put 20,800 20,005.9 20,800 25.29 5.921 0.010 5.931 100
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 19,250.459 and leverage: 26.36 with ISIN code: CH1377904698 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 19,250.459 20,005.9 19,250.459 26.36 6.537 0.010 6.547 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 20,350 and leverage: 26.49 with ISIN code: CH1366465032 Mini Future Short 20,350 20,005.9 20,764.318 26.49 6.354 0.010 6.364 100
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 20,810.981 and leverage: 26.55 with ISIN code: CH1332886717 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 20,810.981 20,005.9 20,810.981 26.55 1.31 0.010 1.32 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 20,400 and leverage: 26.59 with ISIN code: CH1332907612 Mini Future Short 20,400 20,005.9 20,814.945 26.59 1.28 0.010 1.29 500
NASDAQ 100 Warrant Put With stop loss: 18,500 and leverage: 26.82 with ISIN code: CH1369912618 Warrant Put 18,500 20,005.9 18,500 26.82 0.429 0.010 0.439 100
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 19,309.165 and leverage: 26.84 with ISIN code: CH1375889420 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 19,309.165 20,005.9 19,309.165 26.84 1.29 0.010 1.3 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,650 and leverage: 26.86 with ISIN code: CH1377911495 Mini Future Long 19,650 20,005.9 19,264.706 26.86 6.265 0.010 6.275 100
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 20,753.181 and leverage: 26.88 with ISIN code: CH1359216830 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 20,753.181 20,005.9 20,753.181 26.88 6.451 0.010 6.461 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,700 and leverage: 27.02 with ISIN code: CH1375889578 Mini Future Long 19,700 20,005.9 19,313.726 27.02 1.26 0.010 1.27 500
NASDAQ 100 Warrant Put With stop loss: 18,600 and leverage: 27.68 with ISIN code: CH1369912626 Warrant Put 18,600 20,005.9 18,600 27.68 0.476 0.010 0.486 100
NASDAQ 100 Warrant Put With stop loss: 18,800 and leverage: 27.84 with ISIN code: CH1369912634 Warrant Put 18,800 20,005.9 18,800 27.84 0.594 0.010 0.604 100
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 19,295.849 and leverage: 28.04 with ISIN code: CH1377905349 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 19,295.849 20,005.9 19,295.849 28.04 6.16 0.010 6.17 100
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (closed-end) Call With stop loss: 19,300 and leverage: 28.21 with ISIN code: CH1377909358 Knock-Out Warrant (closed-end) Call 19,300 20,005.9 19,300 28.21 7.188 0.010 7.198 100
NASDAQ 100 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 20,710.517 and leverage: 28.37 with ISIN code: CH1330035523 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 20,710.517 20,005.9 20,710.517 28.37 6.131 0.010 6.141 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 20,350 and leverage: 28.39 with ISIN code: CH1332907786 Mini Future Short 20,350 20,005.9 20,762.397 28.39 1.2 0.010 1.21 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Short With stop loss: 20,300 and leverage: 28.41 with ISIN code: CH1366465024 Mini Future Short 20,300 20,005.9 20,713.218 28.41 5.925 0.010 5.935 100
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