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155.992 USD
0.000 ( 0.00 % )
Updated: 20 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:55

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AMD Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 260 and leverage: 3.63 with ISIN code: CH1315337886 Warrant Call 260 155.992 260 3.63 0.063 0.010 0.073 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 250 and leverage: 3.44 with ISIN code: CH1369914861 Warrant Call 250 155.992 250 3.44 1.11 0.010 1.12 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 250 and leverage: 2.85 with ISIN code: CH1369914937 Warrant Call 250 155.992 250 2.85 1.7 0.020 1.72 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 250 and leverage: 4.57 with ISIN code: CH1315337894 Warrant Call 250 155.992 250 4.57 0.077 0.010 0.087 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 250 and leverage: ― with ISIN code: CH1315337803 Warrant Call 250 155.992 250 0.001 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 250 and leverage: 2.47 with ISIN code: CH1369915009 Warrant Call 250 155.992 250 2.47 2.24 0.020 2.26 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 250 and leverage: 4.18 with ISIN code: CH1326189102 Warrant Call 250 155.992 250 4.18 0.53 0.010 0.54 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 240 and leverage: 4.82 with ISIN code: CH1315337902 Warrant Call 240 155.992 240 4.82 0.1 0.010 0.11 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 240 and leverage: ― with ISIN code: CH1315337811 Warrant Call 240 155.992 240 0.001 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 240 and leverage: 4.28 with ISIN code: CH1359217788 Warrant Call 240 155.992 240 4.28 0.61 0.010 0.62 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 220 and leverage: ― with ISIN code: CH1315337829 Warrant Call 220 155.992 220 0.001 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 220 and leverage: 3.30 with ISIN code: CH1369914879 Warrant Call 220 155.992 220 3.30 1.52 0.010 1.53 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 220 and leverage: 2.75 with ISIN code: CH1369914945 Warrant Call 220 155.992 220 2.75 2.15 0.020 2.17 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 220 and leverage: 6.63 with ISIN code: CH1315337910 Warrant Call 220 155.992 220 6.63 0.17 0.010 0.18 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 220 and leverage: 5.20 with ISIN code: CH1369914804 Warrant Call 220 155.992 220 5.20 0.5 0.010 0.51 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 220 and leverage: 2.43 with ISIN code: CH1369915017 Warrant Call 220 155.992 220 2.43 2.71 0.020 2.73 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 220 and leverage: 4.26 with ISIN code: CH1326189110 Warrant Call 220 155.992 220 4.26 0.83 0.010 0.84 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 200 and leverage: ― with ISIN code: CH1315337837 Warrant Call 200 155.992 200 0.001 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 200 and leverage: 5.00 with ISIN code: CH1369914812 Warrant Call 200 155.992 200 5.00 0.76 0.010 0.77 10
AMD Warrant Call With stop loss: 200 and leverage: 2.64 with ISIN code: CH1369914952 Warrant Call 200 155.992 200 2.64 2.54 0.020 2.56 10
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