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31.640 USD
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Updated: 27 Sep. 2024 @ 21:57:59

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Silver Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 29.074 and leverage: 12.43 with ISIN code: CH1377905125 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 29.074 31.64 29.074 12.43 2.25 0.010 2.26 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 28.881 and leverage: 11.57 with ISIN code: CH1377904599 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 28.881 31.64 28.881 11.57 2.41 0.010 2.42 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 29.6 and leverage: 11.28 with ISIN code: CH1377904805 Mini Future Long 29.6 31.64 28.811 11.28 2.37 0.020 2.39 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 28.48 and leverage: 10.10 with ISIN code: CH1377904581 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 28.48 31.64 28.48 10.10 2.74 0.010 2.75 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 29.2 and leverage: 9.89 with ISIN code: CH1377904797 Mini Future Long 29.2 31.64 28.421 9.89 2.69 0.020 2.71 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 29 and leverage: 9.08 with ISIN code: CH1373403315 Mini Future Long 29 31.64 28.234 9.08 2.95 0.020 2.97 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 29 and leverage: 9.33 with ISIN code: CH1377904789 Mini Future Long 29 31.64 28.227 9.33 2.86 0.020 2.88 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 28.078 and leverage: 8.70 with ISIN code: CH1373403422 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 28.078 31.64 28.078 8.70 3.18 0.010 3.19 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 28.078 and leverage: 8.93 with ISIN code: CH1377904573 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 28.078 31.64 28.078 8.93 3.08 0.010 3.09 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 28.8 and leverage: 8.82 with ISIN code: CH1377904771 Mini Future Long 28.8 31.64 28.032 8.82 3.02 0.020 3.04 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 28.6 and leverage: 8.38 with ISIN code: CH1377904276 Mini Future Long 28.6 31.64 27.845 8.38 3.18 0.020 3.2 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 27.671 and leverage: 8.01 with ISIN code: CH1375885873 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 27.671 31.64 27.671 8.01 3.41 0.010 3.42 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 28.2 and leverage: 7.59 with ISIN code: CH1377904268 Mini Future Long 28.2 31.64 27.455 7.59 3.51 0.020 3.53 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 27.317 and leverage: 7.36 with ISIN code: CH1373412779 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 27.317 31.64 27.317 7.36 3.71 0.010 3.72 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 28 and leverage: 7.27 with ISIN code: CH1377904250 Mini Future Long 28 31.64 27.261 7.27 3.67 0.020 3.69 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 27.114 and leverage: 7.02 with ISIN code: CH1373412761 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 27.114 31.64 27.114 7.02 3.88 0.010 3.89 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 26.919 and leverage: 6.73 with ISIN code: CH1373411425 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 26.919 31.64 26.919 6.73 4.05 0.010 4.06 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 27.51 and leverage: 6.65 with ISIN code: CH1375885592 Mini Future Long 27.51 31.64 26.866 6.65 4 0.020 4.02 1
Silver Mini Future Long With stop loss: 27.3 and leverage: 6.39 with ISIN code: CH1375885584 Mini Future Long 27.3 31.64 26.67 6.39 4.17 0.020 4.19 1
Silver Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 26.589 and leverage: 6.29 with ISIN code: CH1337760982 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 26.589 31.64 26.589 6.29 4.32 0.010 4.33 1
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