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155.992 USD
0.000 ( 0.00 % )
Updated: 20 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:55

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2.39 %
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62.32 %

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AMD Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 63.16 and leverage: 1.59 with ISIN code: CH0547532397 Mini Future Long 63.16 155.992 57.673 1.59 8.37 0.010 8.38 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 62.71 and leverage: 1.60 with ISIN code: CH0547510997 Mini Future Long 62.71 155.992 57.254 1.60 8.16 0.020 8.18 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 62.42 and leverage: 1.58 with ISIN code: CH0547537354 Mini Future Long 62.42 155.992 56.997 1.58 8.43 0.010 8.44 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 61.7 and leverage: 1.57 with ISIN code: CH0547532389 Mini Future Long 61.7 155.992 56.336 1.57 8.48 0.010 8.49 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 60.96 and leverage: 1.55 with ISIN code: CH0547540481 Mini Future Long 60.96 155.992 55.658 1.55 8.54 0.010 8.55 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 60.24 and leverage: 1.54 with ISIN code: CH0547532371 Mini Future Long 60.24 155.992 54.998 1.54 8.6 0.010 8.61 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 59.78 and leverage: 1.55 with ISIN code: CH0547510989 Mini Future Long 59.78 155.992 54.581 1.55 8.39 0.020 8.41 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 59.49 and leverage: 1.53 with ISIN code: CH0547540473 Mini Future Long 59.49 155.992 54.322 1.53 8.66 0.010 8.67 10
AMD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 58.76 and leverage: 1.53 with ISIN code: CH0547540465 Mini Future Long 58.76 155.992 53.651 1.53 8.71 0.010 8.72 10
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1235292872 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 8.00 0.012 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 4.00 with ISIN code: CH1217423727 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 4.00 8.7 0.070 8.77 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 6.00 with ISIN code: CH1235293433 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 6.00 1.41 0.010 1.42 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 4.00 with ISIN code: CH1290993331 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 4.00 1.04 0.010 1.05 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 6.00 with ISIN code: CH1346746360 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 6.00 1.43 0.010 1.44 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1346746378 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 8.00 0.23 0.010 0.24 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 4.00 with ISIN code: CH1246615699 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 4.00 3.24 0.030 3.27 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 6.00 with ISIN code: CH1290992788 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 6.00 0.22 0.010 0.23 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 4.00 with ISIN code: CH1346746352 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 4.00 4.06 0.040 4.1 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1345999796 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 8.00 0.2 0.010 0.21 1
AMD Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1362350501 Constant Leverage Long 155.992 8.00 10.57 0.120 10.69 1
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