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191.244 USD
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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:55

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Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 190 and leverage: ― with ISIN code: CH1377912337 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 190 191.244 190 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 190 and leverage: ― with ISIN code: CH1377911636 Mini Future Long 190 191.244 180.952 5 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 185.092 and leverage: 30.75 with ISIN code: CH1377909887 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 185.092 191.244 185.092 30.75 1.15 0.010 1.16 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 185 and leverage: 12.73 with ISIN code: CH1377908988 Mini Future Long 185 191.244 176.278 12.73 2.55 0.010 2.56 5 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 180.36 and leverage: 17.50 with ISIN code: CH1377907741 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 180.36 191.244 180.36 17.50 1.94 0.010 1.95 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 180 and leverage: 9.80 with ISIN code: CH1377906669 Mini Future Long 180 191.244 171.771 9.80 3.31 0.010 3.32 5 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 175.625 and leverage: 12.18 with ISIN code: CH1377903997 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 175.625 191.244 175.625 12.18 2.74 0.010 2.75 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 175 and leverage: 7.96 with ISIN code: CH1377903575 Mini Future Long 175 191.244 167.262 7.96 4.08 0.010 4.09 5 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 171.008 and leverage: 9.44 with ISIN code: CH1377900001 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 171.008 191.244 171.008 9.44 3.51 0.010 3.52 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 170 and leverage: 6.72 with ISIN code: CH1377899120 Mini Future Long 170 191.244 162.865 6.72 4.83 0.010 4.84 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 180 and leverage: 10.08 with ISIN code: CH1375889198 Mini Future Long 180 191.244 171.514 10.08 1.61 0.010 1.62 10 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 185 and leverage: 13.52 with ISIN code: CH1375889180 Mini Future Long 185 191.244 176.278 13.52 1.2 0.010 1.21 10 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 175 and leverage: 8.17 with ISIN code: CH1375888778 Mini Future Long 175 191.244 167.044 8.17 1.98 0.010 1.99 10 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 166.845 and leverage: 7.81 with ISIN code: CH1375878647 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 166.845 191.244 166.845 7.81 4.22 0.010 4.23 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 165.82 and leverage: 5.90 with ISIN code: CH1375878050 Mini Future Long 165.82 191.244 158.901 5.90 5.5 0.010 5.51 5 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 162.084 and leverage: 6.55 with ISIN code: CH1373407670 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 162.084 191.244 162.084 6.55 5.02 0.010 5.03 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 161.09 and leverage: 5.18 with ISIN code: CH1373406565 Mini Future Long 161.09 191.244 154.367 5.18 6.26 0.010 6.27 5 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 157.06 and leverage: 5.59 with ISIN code: CH1373404313 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 157.06 191.244 157.06 5.59 5.87 0.010 5.88 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 156.1 and leverage: 4.58 with ISIN code: CH1373403752 Mini Future Long 156.1 191.244 149.582 4.58 7.07 0.010 7.08 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 170 and leverage: 6.92 with ISIN code: CH1373402598 Mini Future Long 170 191.244 162.865 6.92 2.34 0.010 2.35 10
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