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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:54

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NASDAQ 100 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,410 and leverage: 3.39 with ISIN code: CH1264040499 Mini Future Long 14,410 20,129.6 14,195.97 3.39 50.15 0.010 50.16 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,350 and leverage: 3.36 with ISIN code: CH1264040481 Mini Future Long 14,350 20,129.6 14,139.974 3.36 50.623 0.010 50.633 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,340 and leverage: 3.35 with ISIN code: CH1260686527 Mini Future Long 14,340 20,129.6 14,126.529 3.35 50.747 0.010 50.757 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,290 and leverage: 3.33 with ISIN code: CH1260685636 Mini Future Long 14,290 20,129.6 14,080.73 3.33 51.134 0.010 51.144 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,290 and leverage: 3.33 with ISIN code: CH1264040473 Mini Future Long 14,290 20,129.6 14,083.977 3.33 51.096 0.010 51.106 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,290 and leverage: 3.36 with ISIN code: CH1253926435 Mini Future Long 14,290 20,129.6 14,079.037 3.36 10.1 0.050 10.15 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,230 and leverage: 3.30 with ISIN code: CH1260685628 Mini Future Long 14,230 20,129.6 14,024.29 3.30 51.611 0.010 51.621 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,170 and leverage: 3.27 with ISIN code: CH1260685610 Mini Future Long 14,170 20,129.6 13,967.848 3.27 52.087 0.010 52.097 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,130 and leverage: 3.24 with ISIN code: CH1258525802 Mini Future Long 14,130 20,129.6 13,921.102 3.24 52.482 0.010 52.492 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,120 and leverage: 3.27 with ISIN code: CH1253926211 Mini Future Long 14,120 20,129.6 13,912.494 3.27 10.35 0.050 10.4 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,090 and leverage: 3.22 with ISIN code: CH1258520670 Mini Future Long 14,090 20,129.6 13,881.913 3.22 52.814 0.010 52.824 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,030 and leverage: 3.19 with ISIN code: CH1258520662 Mini Future Long 14,030 20,129.6 13,825.361 3.19 53.291 0.010 53.301 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,980 and leverage: 3.17 with ISIN code: CH1258519359 Mini Future Long 13,980 20,129.6 13,772.169 3.17 53.741 0.010 53.751 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,920 and leverage: 3.14 with ISIN code: CH1253925437 Mini Future Long 13,920 20,129.6 13,720.412 3.14 54.178 0.010 54.188 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,870 and leverage: 3.11 with ISIN code: CH1253925429 Mini Future Long 13,870 20,129.6 13,663.819 3.11 54.656 0.010 54.666 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,810 and leverage: 3.09 with ISIN code: CH1253925411 Mini Future Long 13,810 20,129.6 13,607.226 3.09 55.135 0.010 55.145 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,780 and leverage: 3.10 with ISIN code: CH1237349332 Mini Future Long 13,780 20,129.6 13,576.171 3.10 10.95 0.050 11 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,750 and leverage: 3.06 with ISIN code: CH1253925403 Mini Future Long 13,750 20,129.6 13,550.632 3.06 55.613 0.010 55.623 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,690 and leverage: 3.03 with ISIN code: CH1253925395 Mini Future Long 13,690 20,129.6 13,494.04 3.03 56.091 0.010 56.101 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 13,640 and leverage: 3.01 with ISIN code: CH1253925387 Mini Future Long 13,640 20,129.6 13,437.447 3.01 56.569 0.010 56.579 100
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