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Updated: 7 Mar. 2025 @ 21:59:19

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WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 23.098 and leverage: 1.53 with ISIN code: CH0582871858 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 23.098 66.99 23.098 1.53 38.82 0.010 38.83 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 22.512 and leverage: 1.51 with ISIN code: CH0582870363 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 22.512 66.99 22.512 1.51 39.34 0.010 39.35 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 22.446 and leverage: 1.50 with ISIN code: CH0572879473 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 22.446 66.99 22.446 1.50 3.99 0.010 4 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 21.913 and leverage: 1.49 with ISIN code: CH0582869688 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 21.913 66.99 21.913 1.49 39.86 0.010 39.87 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 21.308 and leverage: 1.47 with ISIN code: CH0582869670 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 21.308 66.99 21.308 1.47 40.4 0.010 40.41 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 20.702 and leverage: 1.45 with ISIN code: CH0582869662 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 20.702 66.99 20.702 1.45 40.93 0.010 40.94 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 20.097 and leverage: 1.43 with ISIN code: CH0582869654 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 20.097 66.99 20.097 1.43 41.46 0.010 41.47 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 19.498 and leverage: 1.41 with ISIN code: CH0582868607 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 19.498 66.99 19.498 1.41 41.99 0.010 42 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 18.898 and leverage: 1.39 with ISIN code: CH0582868284 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 18.898 66.99 18.898 1.39 42.52 0.010 42.53 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 18.293 and leverage: 1.38 with ISIN code: CH0582868276 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 18.293 66.99 18.293 1.38 43.05 0.010 43.06 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 17.704 and leverage: 1.36 with ISIN code: CH0582866999 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 17.704 66.99 17.704 1.36 43.57 0.010 43.58 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 17.609 and leverage: 1.35 with ISIN code: CH0572879143 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 17.609 66.99 17.609 1.35 4.41 0.010 4.42 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 17.103 and leverage: 1.34 with ISIN code: CH0582863962 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 17.103 66.99 17.103 1.34 44.1 0.010 44.11 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 16.513 and leverage: 1.33 with ISIN code: CH0572891437 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 16.513 66.99 16.513 1.33 44.61 0.010 44.62 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 15.912 and leverage: 1.31 with ISIN code: CH0572889977 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 15.912 66.99 15.912 1.31 45.14 0.010 45.15 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 15.306 and leverage: 1.30 with ISIN code: CH0572889969 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 15.306 66.99 15.306 1.30 45.68 0.010 45.69 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 14.704 and leverage: 1.28 with ISIN code: CH0572887823 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 14.704 66.99 14.704 1.28 46.21 0.010 46.22 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 14.102 and leverage: 1.27 with ISIN code: CH0572887476 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 14.102 66.99 14.102 1.27 46.74 0.010 46.75 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 13.496 and leverage: 1.25 with ISIN code: CH0572887468 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 13.496 66.99 13.496 1.25 47.27 0.010 47.28 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 12.889 and leverage: 1.24 with ISIN code: CH0572887450 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 12.889 66.99 12.889 1.24 47.8 0.010 47.81 1
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