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19,401.700 EUR
0.000 ( 0.00 % )
Updated: 27 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:51

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DAX Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,470 and leverage: 4.75 with ISIN code: CH1220866631 Mini Future Long 15,470 19,401.7 15,322.275 4.75 38.319 0.010 38.329 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,460 and leverage: 4.74 with ISIN code: CH1220866623 Mini Future Long 15,460 19,401.7 15,310.895 4.74 38.426 0.010 38.436 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,440 and leverage: 4.71 with ISIN code: CH1220866615 Mini Future Long 15,440 19,401.7 15,288.14 4.71 38.635 0.020 38.655 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,420 and leverage: 4.69 with ISIN code: CH1220866607 Mini Future Long 15,420 19,401.7 15,265.383 4.69 38.853 0.010 38.863 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,390 and leverage: 4.66 with ISIN code: CH1220866599 Mini Future Long 15,390 19,401.7 15,242.627 4.66 39.067 0.010 39.077 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,390 and leverage: 4.60 with ISIN code: CH1220858372 Mini Future Long 15,390 19,401.7 15,241.513 4.60 7.98 0.010 7.99 500
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,370 and leverage: 4.64 with ISIN code: CH1220866581 Mini Future Long 15,370 19,401.7 15,219.869 4.64 39.281 0.010 39.291 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,360 and leverage: 4.62 with ISIN code: CH1220866573 Mini Future Long 15,360 19,401.7 15,208.491 4.62 39.387 0.010 39.397 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,350 and leverage: 4.61 with ISIN code: CH1220866565 Mini Future Long 15,350 19,401.7 15,197.114 4.61 39.494 0.010 39.504 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,330 and leverage: 4.59 with ISIN code: CH1220866557 Mini Future Long 15,330 19,401.7 15,174.357 4.59 39.708 0.010 39.718 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,300 and leverage: 4.56 with ISIN code: CH1220866540 Mini Future Long 15,300 19,401.7 15,151.6 4.56 39.921 0.010 39.931 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,280 and leverage: 4.54 with ISIN code: CH1220866532 Mini Future Long 15,280 19,401.7 15,128.843 4.54 40.135 0.010 40.145 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,260 and leverage: 4.51 with ISIN code: CH1220866524 Mini Future Long 15,260 19,401.7 15,106.088 4.51 40.343 0.020 40.363 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,230 and leverage: 4.49 with ISIN code: CH1220866516 Mini Future Long 15,230 19,401.7 15,083.329 4.49 40.562 0.010 40.572 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,210 and leverage: 4.47 with ISIN code: CH1220859750 Mini Future Long 15,210 19,401.7 15,063.348 4.47 40.749 0.010 40.759 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,190 and leverage: 4.45 with ISIN code: CH1220859743 Mini Future Long 15,190 19,401.7 15,040.551 4.45 40.963 0.010 40.973 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,170 and leverage: 4.37 with ISIN code: CH1220858232 Mini Future Long 15,170 19,401.7 15,021.371 4.37 8.4 0.010 8.41 500
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,170 and leverage: 4.42 with ISIN code: CH1220859735 Mini Future Long 15,170 19,401.7 15,017.757 4.42 41.177 0.010 41.187 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,160 and leverage: 4.41 with ISIN code: CH1220859727 Mini Future Long 15,160 19,401.7 15,006.359 4.41 41.284 0.010 41.294 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,140 and leverage: 4.40 with ISIN code: CH1220859719 Mini Future Long 15,140 19,401.7 14,994.96 4.40 41.391 0.010 41.401 100
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