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191.244 USD
0.000 ( 0.00 % )
Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:55

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Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio Mini Future Long With stop loss: 135.45 and leverage: 3.11 with ISIN code: CH1302912030 Mini Future Long 135.45 191.244 129.762 3.11 10.41 0.010 10.42 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 130.96 and leverage: 2.91 with ISIN code: CH1369922468 Mini Future Long 130.96 191.244 125.458 2.91 11.14 0.010 11.15 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 126.54 and leverage: 2.73 with ISIN code: CH1269331281 Mini Future Long 126.54 191.244 121.221 2.73 11.86 0.010 11.87 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 123.66 and leverage: 2.63 with ISIN code: CH1302904656 Mini Future Long 123.66 191.244 118.466 2.63 12.32 0.010 12.33 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 122.23 and leverage: 2.58 with ISIN code: CH1264048146 Mini Future Long 122.23 191.244 117.101 2.58 12.55 0.010 12.56 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 121.69 and leverage: 2.58 with ISIN code: CH1253926542 Mini Future Long 121.69 191.244 116.576 2.58 12.5 0.050 12.55 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 120.06 and leverage: 2.51 with ISIN code: CH1264047494 Mini Future Long 120.06 191.244 115.02 2.51 12.91 0.010 12.92 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 117.83 and leverage: 2.44 with ISIN code: CH1264046736 Mini Future Long 117.83 191.244 112.878 2.44 13.27 0.010 13.28 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 113.95 and leverage: 2.33 with ISIN code: CH1264029807 Mini Future Long 113.95 191.244 109.162 2.33 13.9 0.010 13.91 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 111.7 and leverage: 2.27 with ISIN code: CH1260693606 Mini Future Long 111.7 191.244 107.005 2.27 14.26 0.010 14.27 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 110.15 and leverage: 2.23 with ISIN code: CH1253927227 Mini Future Long 110.15 191.244 105.523 2.23 14.51 0.010 14.52 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 109.89 and leverage: 2.24 with ISIN code: CH1253926559 Mini Future Long 109.89 191.244 105.276 2.24 14.4 0.050 14.45 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 107.88 and leverage: 2.18 with ISIN code: CH1253923002 Mini Future Long 107.88 191.244 103.349 2.18 14.88 0.010 14.89 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 105.66 and leverage: 2.12 with ISIN code: CH1253921691 Mini Future Long 105.66 191.244 101.224 2.12 15.24 0.010 15.25 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 103.42 and leverage: 2.08 with ISIN code: CH1253919109 Mini Future Long 103.42 191.244 99.073 2.08 15.6 0.010 15.61 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 101.46 and leverage: 2.03 with ISIN code: CH1250369654 Mini Future Long 101.46 191.244 97.198 2.03 15.92 0.010 15.93 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 98.01 and leverage: 1.96 with ISIN code: CH1241188825 Mini Future Long 98.01 191.244 93.892 1.96 16.48 0.010 16.49 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 94.71 and leverage: 1.90 with ISIN code: CH1220865492 Mini Future Long 94.71 191.244 90.731 1.90 17.01 0.010 17.02 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 91.27 and leverage: 1.84 with ISIN code: CH1237345934 Mini Future Long 91.27 191.244 87.433 1.84 17.57 0.010 17.58 5 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 88.73 and leverage: 1.80 with ISIN code: CH1227925745 Mini Future Long 88.73 191.244 85.006 1.80 17.98 0.010 17.99 5
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