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Updated: 7 Mar. 2025 @ 21:59:19

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WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 37.5 and leverage: 2.19 with ISIN code: CH0594498047 Mini Future Long 37.5 66.99 36.417 2.19 26.92 0.010 26.93 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 36.89 and leverage: 2.15 with ISIN code: CH0594496157 Mini Future Long 36.89 66.99 35.824 2.15 27.44 0.010 27.45 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 36.5 and leverage: 2.09 with ISIN code: CH0582885353 Mini Future Long 36.5 66.99 35.109 2.09 2.86 0.010 2.87 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 36.27 and leverage: 2.11 with ISIN code: CH0594496140 Mini Future Long 36.27 66.99 35.231 2.11 27.97 0.010 27.98 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 35.66 and leverage: 2.07 with ISIN code: CH0594494624 Mini Future Long 35.66 66.99 34.634 2.07 28.49 0.010 28.5 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 35.04 and leverage: 2.03 with ISIN code: CH0594494616 Mini Future Long 35.04 66.99 34.03 2.03 29.02 0.010 29.03 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 34.43 and leverage: 2.00 with ISIN code: CH0594494608 Mini Future Long 34.43 66.99 33.441 2.00 29.54 0.010 29.55 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 33.81 and leverage: 1.96 with ISIN code: CH0594493477 Mini Future Long 33.81 66.99 32.84 1.96 30.07 0.010 30.08 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 33.2 and leverage: 1.93 with ISIN code: CH0594493469 Mini Future Long 33.2 66.99 32.244 1.93 30.59 0.010 30.6 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 32.6 and leverage: 1.90 with ISIN code: CH0594492438 Mini Future Long 32.6 66.99 31.656 1.90 31.11 0.010 31.12 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 31.97 and leverage: 1.86 with ISIN code: CH0594492420 Mini Future Long 31.97 66.99 31.046 1.86 31.65 0.010 31.66 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 31.52 and leverage: 1.82 with ISIN code: CH0582884885 Mini Future Long 31.52 66.99 30.317 1.82 3.29 0.010 3.3 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 31.35 and leverage: 1.83 with ISIN code: CH0594492412 Mini Future Long 31.35 66.99 30.449 1.83 32.17 0.010 32.18 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 30.73 and leverage: 1.80 with ISIN code: CH0594492404 Mini Future Long 30.73 66.99 29.848 1.80 32.7 0.010 32.71 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 30.13 and leverage: 1.78 with ISIN code: CH0582887763 Mini Future Long 30.13 66.99 29.26 1.78 33.22 0.010 33.23 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 29.51 and leverage: 1.75 with ISIN code: CH0582884091 Mini Future Long 29.51 66.99 28.658 1.75 33.75 0.010 33.76 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 29.04 and leverage: 1.71 with ISIN code: CH0582891260 Mini Future Long 29.04 66.99 27.933 1.71 3.5 0.010 3.51 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 28.89 and leverage: 1.72 with ISIN code: CH0582884083 Mini Future Long 28.89 66.99 28.06 1.72 34.27 0.010 34.28 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 28.28 and leverage: 1.70 with ISIN code: CH0582884075 Mini Future Long 28.28 66.99 27.465 1.70 34.8 0.010 34.81 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 27.62 and leverage: 1.67 with ISIN code: CH0582884067 Mini Future Long 27.62 66.99 26.822 1.67 35.36 0.010 35.37 1
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