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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:54

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NASDAQ 100 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,250 and leverage: 9.40 with ISIN code: CH1373413298 Mini Future Long 18,250 20,129.6 17,984.423 9.40 18.09 0.010 18.1 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,240 and leverage: 9.72 with ISIN code: CH1373400998 Mini Future Long 18,240 20,129.6 17,979.731 9.72 3.5 0.010 3.51 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,200 and leverage: 9.19 with ISIN code: CH1373413280 Mini Future Long 18,200 20,129.6 17,934.83 9.19 18.509 0.010 18.519 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,200 and leverage: 9.53 with ISIN code: CH1373400626 Mini Future Long 18,200 20,129.6 17,939.511 9.53 3.57 0.010 3.58 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,150 and leverage: 8.99 with ISIN code: CH1373413272 Mini Future Long 18,150 20,129.6 17,885.236 8.99 18.928 0.010 18.938 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,140 and leverage: 9.28 with ISIN code: CH1373401004 Mini Future Long 18,140 20,129.6 17,880.57 9.28 3.67 0.010 3.68 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,100 and leverage: 8.81 with ISIN code: CH1373411755 Mini Future Long 18,100 20,129.6 17,840.299 8.81 19.307 0.010 19.317 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,100 and leverage: 9.10 with ISIN code: CH1373400634 Mini Future Long 18,100 20,129.6 17,840.299 9.10 3.74 0.010 3.75 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,070 and leverage: 8.68 with ISIN code: CH1373408611 Mini Future Long 18,070 20,129.6 17,806.716 8.68 19.593 0.010 19.603 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,050 and leverage: 8.89 with ISIN code: CH1373400642 Mini Future Long 18,050 20,129.6 17,790.692 8.89 3.82 0.010 3.83 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,020 and leverage: 8.77 with ISIN code: CH1373400352 Mini Future Long 18,020 20,129.6 17,757.058 8.77 3.88 0.010 3.89 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,020 and leverage: 8.50 with ISIN code: CH1373408603 Mini Future Long 18,020 20,129.6 17,757.058 8.50 20.013 0.010 20.023 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,970 and leverage: 8.32 with ISIN code: CH1373408595 Mini Future Long 17,970 20,129.6 17,707.4 8.32 20.432 0.010 20.442 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,950 and leverage: 8.53 with ISIN code: CH1373400659 Mini Future Long 17,950 20,129.6 17,691.479 8.53 3.99 0.010 4 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,920 and leverage: 8.16 with ISIN code: CH1373408587 Mini Future Long 17,920 20,129.6 17,657.742 8.16 20.852 0.010 20.862 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,920 and leverage: 8.40 with ISIN code: CH1373400360 Mini Future Long 17,920 20,129.6 17,657.742 8.40 4.05 0.010 4.06 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,870 and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1373408579 Mini Future Long 17,870 20,129.6 17,608.084 8.00 21.272 0.010 21.282 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,850 and leverage: 8.18 with ISIN code: CH1373400667 Mini Future Long 17,850 20,129.6 17,592.267 8.18 4.16 0.010 4.17 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,820 and leverage: 7.86 with ISIN code: CH1373405948 Mini Future Long 17,820 20,129.6 17,562.675 7.86 21.644 0.010 21.654 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,810 and leverage: 8.06 with ISIN code: CH1373400378 Mini Future Long 17,810 20,129.6 17,558.426 8.06 4.22 0.010 4.23 500
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