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Updated: 26 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:54

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NASDAQ 100 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,920 and leverage: 5.96 with ISIN code: CH1332896005 Mini Future Long 16,920 20,129.6 16,672.823 5.96 5.71 0.010 5.72 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,910 and leverage: 5.81 with ISIN code: CH1306090924 Mini Future Long 16,910 20,129.6 16,661.648 5.81 29.28 0.010 29.29 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,890 and leverage: 5.90 with ISIN code: CH1332897482 Mini Future Long 16,890 20,129.6 16,641.767 5.90 5.76 0.010 5.77 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,860 and leverage: 5.72 with ISIN code: CH1306090916 Mini Future Long 16,860 20,129.6 16,608.816 5.72 29.727 0.010 29.737 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,850 and leverage: 5.83 with ISIN code: CH1279240431 Mini Future Long 16,850 20,129.6 16,601.085 5.83 5.83 0.010 5.84 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,800 and leverage: 5.64 with ISIN code: CH1306090908 Mini Future Long 16,800 20,129.6 16,555.984 5.64 30.173 0.010 30.183 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,780 and leverage: 5.61 with ISIN code: CH1306080974 Mini Future Long 16,780 20,129.6 16,535.148 5.61 30.349 0.010 30.359 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,750 and leverage: 5.56 with ISIN code: CH1306077491 Mini Future Long 16,750 20,129.6 16,507.136 5.56 30.584 0.010 30.594 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,720 and leverage: 5.61 with ISIN code: CH1332909493 Mini Future Long 16,720 20,129.6 16,470.034 5.61 6.05 0.010 6.06 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,700 and leverage: 5.48 with ISIN code: CH1306077483 Mini Future Long 16,700 20,129.6 16,453.932 5.48 31.034 0.010 31.044 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,640 and leverage: 5.40 with ISIN code: CH1306077475 Mini Future Long 16,640 20,129.6 16,400.727 5.40 31.483 0.010 31.493 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,630 and leverage: 5.49 with ISIN code: CH1332897490 Mini Future Long 16,630 20,129.6 16,386.525 5.49 6.19 0.010 6.2 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,630 and leverage: 5.49 with ISIN code: CH1279240449 Mini Future Long 16,630 20,129.6 16,389.868 5.49 6.19 0.010 6.2 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,590 and leverage: 5.33 with ISIN code: CH1306077467 Mini Future Long 16,590 20,129.6 16,347.523 5.33 31.933 0.010 31.943 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,540 and leverage: 5.25 with ISIN code: CH1306077459 Mini Future Long 16,540 20,129.6 16,294.318 5.25 32.383 0.010 32.393 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,510 and leverage: 5.32 with ISIN code: CH1332909501 Mini Future Long 16,510 20,129.6 16,271.347 5.32 6.39 0.010 6.4 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,480 and leverage: 5.18 with ISIN code: CH1306077442 Mini Future Long 16,480 20,129.6 16,241.113 5.18 32.832 0.010 32.842 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,430 and leverage: 5.11 with ISIN code: CH1306077434 Mini Future Long 16,430 20,129.6 16,187.91 5.11 33.282 0.010 33.292 100
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,420 and leverage: 5.19 with ISIN code: CH1279240456 Mini Future Long 16,420 20,129.6 16,178.65 5.19 6.55 0.010 6.56 500
NASDAQ 100 Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,420 and leverage: 5.20 with ISIN code: CH1332897508 Mini Future Long 16,420 20,129.6 16,182.332 5.20 6.54 0.010 6.55 500
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