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Updated: 7 Mar. 2025 @ 21:59:19

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WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 43.711 and leverage: 2.88 with ISIN code: CH1109621503 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 43.711 66.99 43.711 2.88 20.7 0.010 20.71 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 43.119 and leverage: 2.80 with ISIN code: CH1109621495 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 43.119 66.99 43.119 2.80 21.22 0.010 21.23 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 42.534 and leverage: 2.74 with ISIN code: CH1109608161 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 42.534 66.99 42.534 2.74 21.74 0.010 21.75 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 41.94 and leverage: 2.67 with ISIN code: CH1109608153 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 41.94 66.99 41.94 2.67 22.26 0.010 22.27 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 41.529 and leverage: 2.60 with ISIN code: CH1109612767 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 41.529 66.99 41.529 2.60 2.31 0.010 2.32 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 41.346 and leverage: 2.61 with ISIN code: CH1109608146 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 41.346 66.99 41.346 2.61 22.78 0.010 22.79 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 40.76 and leverage: 2.55 with ISIN code: CH1109600986 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 40.76 66.99 40.76 2.55 23.3 0.010 23.31 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 40.174 and leverage: 2.50 with ISIN code: CH1101812563 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 40.174 66.99 40.174 2.50 23.81 0.010 23.82 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 39.579 and leverage: 2.44 with ISIN code: CH1101812555 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 39.579 66.99 39.579 2.44 24.34 0.010 24.35 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 39.17 and leverage: 2.39 with ISIN code: CH1101807290 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 39.17 66.99 39.17 2.39 2.52 0.010 2.53 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 38.984 and leverage: 2.39 with ISIN code: CH1101812548 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 38.984 66.99 38.984 2.39 24.86 0.010 24.87 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 38.397 and leverage: 2.34 with ISIN code: CH0594498120 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 38.397 66.99 38.397 2.34 25.38 0.010 25.39 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 37.805 and leverage: 2.29 with ISIN code: CH0594496082 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 37.805 66.99 37.805 2.29 25.9 0.010 25.91 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 37.205 and leverage: 2.25 with ISIN code: CH0594496074 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 37.205 66.99 37.205 2.25 26.42 0.010 26.43 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 36.614 and leverage: 2.20 with ISIN code: CH0594495449 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 36.614 66.99 36.614 2.20 26.94 0.010 26.95 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 36.014 and leverage: 2.16 with ISIN code: CH0594495431 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 36.014 66.99 36.014 2.16 27.47 0.010 27.48 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 35.422 and leverage: 2.12 with ISIN code: CH0594494806 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 35.422 66.99 35.422 2.12 27.99 0.010 28 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 34.822 and leverage: 2.08 with ISIN code: CH0594494798 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 34.822 66.99 34.822 2.08 28.52 0.010 28.53 1
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 34.416 and leverage: 2.04 with ISIN code: CH0582884851 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 34.416 66.99 34.416 2.04 2.94 0.010 2.95 10
WTI Crude Oil Future Apr. 25 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 34.222 and leverage: 2.04 with ISIN code: CH0594494780 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 34.222 66.99 34.222 2.04 29.05 0.010 29.06 1
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