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IBM Factor 4x Long Certificate

Bid (CHF)
Bid volume 426
Ask (CHF)
Ask volume 426
% day
Underlying (USD)
Updated: 14 Mar. 2025 @ 11:54:24
Updated: 14 Mar. 2025 @ 11:54:22

Product chart

Skip chart
Date Reset type Cash value Reset threshold Reference price (last reset)
13 Mar. 2025 22:05 End of day 38.25 191.724 0
12 Mar. 2025 21:27 End of day 40.78 194.711 0
11 Mar. 2025 21:30 End of day 40.36 194.181 248.95
10 Mar. 2025 21:27 End of day 46.1 204.001 261.54
7 Mar. 2025 22:10 End of day 49.74 193.978 248.69
6 Mar. 2025 22:09 End of day 41.24 196.053 251.35
5 Mar. 2025 22:14 End of day 43.1 197.504 253.21
4 Mar. 2025 22:11 End of day 44.43 195.148 250.19
3 Mar. 2025 22:10 End of day 42.41 196.903 252.44
28 Feb. 2025 22:14 End of day 44.08 197.519 253.23

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Underlying currency
Product currency
Issue date
11 May. 2022
Open end
Cash value
Reset threshold
% until reset threshold
Reference price (last reset)
Exchange rate
Underlying type
Financing costs ***
Swiss DOTS
08:00 - 22:00
SSPA class
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