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Clariant AG Knock-Out Warrant Call

Bid (CHF)
Bid volume 3,000
Ask (CHF)
Ask volume 0
% day
0.00 %
Underlying (CHF)
Stop loss (CHF)
Fin. level 12.029
Updated: 18 Oct. 2024 @ 20:59:04
Updated: 18 Oct. 2024 @ 21:27:12

Product chart

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  Current situation New situation Difference
Reference rate 12.555 - -
Financing Level 12.029 -
Stop loss level 12.029 -
Distance to Stop loss (in %) 4.19 % - -
Position Value (CHF) 0.53 - -
Knock-Out Warrant (open end) (CHF) 0.53 - -

The prices shown in the calculator are indicative and do not reflect current or future prices. The calculator assumes a constant financing cost percentage while this percentage may in fact change continuously. The returns on products with an underlying asset that quotes in a different currency can be influenced by exchange rate effects. The calculator does not take into account the difference between bid and offer prices (the spread) and any dividends (and dividend tax). This calculator assumes a constant Gap risk premium, but in reality it can change at any time and therefore have a negative or positive effect on the return. The "Indicative Gap Risk premium" calculated is based on the current bid price and may differ from the actual Gap risk premium. The influence of the periodic rolling of futures is also not taken into account in the calculator. Due to rounding off, displayed values ​​can also deviate from the development of values ​​in reality.

BNP Paribas does not act as your legal or tax advisor, accountant or investment advisor and has no fiduciary obligation towards you in relation to the calculator and / or in connection with any transactions in products issued by BNP Paribas or other related transactions. You cannot rely on BNP Paribas for investment advice or recommendations of any kind. Although the prices shown are based on information deemed reliable, their accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. BNP Paribas offers no guarantees with regard to the information provided by the calculator and accepts no liability whatsoever for direct, indirect, special, incidental, immaterial or consequential damages (including loss of profit) arising in any way from the use of the calculator by you or your advisors or the information contained herein. The exchange rate data entered comes from BNP Paribas and applies strictly on the date stated. The rates shown by the calculator are indicative and intended for informational purposes only. Price information is not an invitation or offer to buy or sell securities or other financial instruments. The information is exclusively intended for use by the intended recipients. It is not permitted to reproduce, distribute or copy this information in whole or in part for any purpose without the prior express permission of BNP Paribas. More information is available upon request from BNP Paribas.

The underlying prices shown are not real-time prices, i.e. they are delayed due to legal requirements of the data provider. As a consequence, the price of the product on a specific underlying may substantially differ from the price of the product that you would expect on the basis of the underlying price displayed. The published bid and ask prices for products on our website are indicative bid and ask prices of BNP Paribas. These prices may differ from the current (bid and ask) prices on SIX Swiss Exchange or Swiss DOTS. In addition, this website does not display any (bid and ask) prices of other parties. For current (bid and ask) prices, consult the order book of your price information system, or contact your bank or broker. BNP Paribas is in no way liable for the consequences of delayed or incorrect (price) information on our website. ** Based on the highest or lowest price published on this website during the day. *** Based on the daily closing prices. The daily closing price is the average of the last bid and ask price of BNP Paribas of the day. For more information, read the general brochure, the product documentation or call us on 058 212 6850.

Underlying currency
Product currency
Issue date
1 Oct. 2024
Open end
Underlying type
Stop loss reset date
Financing costs ***
5.44 %
% until stop loss
4.19 %
Legal name
Swiss DOTS
08:00 - 22:00
SSPA class
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